raw salt

美 [rɔː sɔːlt]英 [rɔː sɔːlt]
  • 网络原盐
raw saltraw salt
  1. A new method to determine insoluble substance in raw salt is presented .


  2. Grinding Raw Salt with High Pressure Water Jet


  3. Design of the Intelligent Instrument for Determining Insoluble Substance in Raw Salt


  4. Summary for Design of Raw Salt Material Handling System of Chlorine Generating Plant from Epoxypropane Revamp Project


  5. With an area of 430,000 ha , China 's salt pans produced 29.281 million tons of raw salt in 1997 .


  6. It was a hot day , Dr Metzl recalled , and he was saved by a bearded bystander who was handing out raw salt .


  7. It was worth spreading the new technique for the raw salt conveying with hidden scraper conveyer in the salinificating crystallization of the combined manufacture of soda .


  8. Yanchi area of Jiuquan East Basin in Gansu Province is the largest enrichment area in mirabilite and raw salt , it is also the main groundwater distributed area in Jiuquan East Basin .


  9. On the way back home , we saw some workers shoveling salt from the salt fields and others putting the raw salt into bags and moving them to containers for the further refinement .


  10. Since the production capacity of caustic soda after epoxypropane revamp project has been reached to 240 ? kt / a and the original raw salt materials handling system can not meet the requirement of the production , the system shall be integrally reconstructed .


  11. Meanwhile , we put forward the advanced craft for improving raw salt quality and output . Which adopts mended newly , irrigate deep , long cycle crystallization pool operation law and all kinds of possible effective ways to make comprehensive use of magnesium , potassium and bromine in bittern .


  12. Bone char , as a raw bone salt , may be used to reduce the fluoride concentration in drinking water to acceptable limit .


  13. Others again simply dined off the flesh of horses the wolves had killed , eaten raw and without salt .


  14. The cell protein extracted from waste water is as the raw materials , salt , and alkaline autolysis ultrasonic combined with salination method was used ,( 1 ) By single factor experiments and orthogonal test to determine the RNA extraction .


  15. To chromize with industrial raw material as neutral salt bath is a new technology developed in1980 's.


  16. It is possible to control the shape and size of the product powder through adjusting the synthetic temperature and the ratio of raw materials and molten salt .
